Celebrating Freedom – Reliving Regimental Operations in Spring 1945

We are proud to announce the book launching of “Celebrating Freedom” by our own Corporal Danny Sukonthapanich.

From the author: “I’m very excited to share my experience of my tour of Netherlands 2023. Last year I was given the opportunity to attend the Liberation of Leeuwarden Festivities with Mr. Jim Follwell, CoTR Milner and Mr. Tom Skelding, along with four other Dragoons. During that time I got to meet great people, including Gerrit Jan Alberts, who sadly has passed away. I’ve gotten to eat some great food and do a lot of very cool things. I am honoured to have Mr. Bill Richards write the Foreword for my memoir. Not only does his foreword compliment the main text, but adds to the importance of our Regimental Family as well.
Bold and Swift!
Thank you, Danny Suko”

Celebrating Freedom is now Available on Amazon by clicking here.