Farewell to the outgoing president and 2nd vice-president

On the 25th of June, the Guild Board of Directors was saddened to bid farewell to two of their own on behalf of the Regimental Family, but equally excited to welcome their replacements.

As part of our 3rd Quarter Board meeting, we had the pleasure to welcome the new Guild President, Steve Cadden and new 2nd Vice-President, Chloe Summerfield onto the Board.

As the outgoing President, Dean Milner recognized Nick Forsyth for his excellent work as the Guild’s 2nd Vice-President as his term expires.  Throughout his tenure, Nick has provided solid guidance and advice to the board, presenting the interests of serving arm of the Regimental Family without fail while balancing the needs of the entire Regimental Family. For his accomplishments, the President Dean Milner presented Nick with a bronze Staghound miniature.

In turn, the new President of the Guild, Steve Cadden thanked the departing president (Dean Milner) by presenting him with his own staghound trophy. Dean’s boundless energy and passion for the Regimental Family have left a lasting legacy and an improved corporation that future generations will look to with pride. While officially leaving his position, Dean intends on maintaining his support for the Regimental Family wherever he can.

The Guild was also proud to Present Dean with the Regimental Long Service Award for his many years of Service as he takes off the uniform for the last time (?).