Dragoons Presented with 5th Guidon

Dear Dragoons,

On 09 December Her Excellency, the Governor General and Commander-in-Chief Mary Simon presented our 5th Guidon to the Regiment, recognizing the service and sacrifices of our soldiers in Afghanistan, Bosnia and Kosovo.

The CO, Nick Forsyth and RSM, Chris Leblanc orchestrated and led a first class parade fitting this milestone event. The ceremony was hosted indoors in our new Regimental Lines on a ‘fresh’ December morning and the turnout was great.

Of special note was the attendance of the Army Commander, LGen Joe Paul and his Command Sergeant-Major Smith. A great number of veterans from our Afghanistan campaign, Bosnian and Kosovo missions also attended. It was a very welcome reunion of the Regimental Family.

On the heels of this outstanding event, please accept my best wishes for a Merry Christmas, and a healthy and happy New Year!


Major-General Dean J. Milner (ret’d)

Colonel of The Regiment

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