Change of Command and Appointment – 26 June 2024

The Commanding Officer and all ranks of The Royal Canadian Dragoons request the pleasure of your company at the Change of Commanding Officer from

Lieutenant-Colonel Nicolas Forsyth
Lieutenant-Colonel Chloeann Summerfield

Concurrently, the Regimental will change appointment of the Colonel of The Regiment from

Major-General (Retired) Dean Milner, CMM, MSC, CD
Major-General (Retired) Stephen Cadden, CD

Worthington Parade Square, Garrison Petawawa on 26 June 2024 at 1330.
Guests to be seated by 1315.
Dress: Military DEU 1A – jacket and tie for Civilian

RSVP to “”  no later than 12 June 2024

Other social events and activities to celebrate this occassion will be posted separately as available so check back often.