Supporting the Quality of Life (QOL) of our Regimental family members is one of the most important things we can do.
The Guild recognizes that other resources/organizations are in place to provide support as part of the Canadian Armed Forces and that families will do everything in their power to make things right. Having said this however, there are times when there are gaps between what resources are available and what is needed. This is where the Guild must be prepared to help bridge that gap by supporting those in need and creating an overall better QOL.
For effective QOL support, we cannot wait until a need is identified but must be proactive to make sure we are prepared to provide support when it is needed. With this in mind, our goal is to create a sense of security and a helpful community environment to ensure our family members have an engaged network of like-minded friends and somewhere to turn when faced with challenges. While the Guild has established a standing committee from across the family to specifically look at QOL issues and opportunities, this endeavour cannot be left to chance, nor can we do it alone. The success of this thrust is contingent on a number of key actions that must be continually reinforced:
· If you are a Regimental family member, be engaged with the family – you are the first line of defence in identifying potential QOL opportunities and/or requirements.
· If you know of a Regimental family member in need/crisis – please let the Guild know so we can evaluate how to best help.
– If you have ideas to improve our QOL for parts of, or the whole family, please submit them to us through the Guild Contact Us page or any other method of communication.
The Scope of our Program
It is safe to say that our soldiers have an incredible standard of intestinal fortitude. They are tough and well trained; after all, they defend us with unlimited liability (up to death). Having said this, they can be deployed with very little warning and placed into dangerous and unforgiving situations that bring unique stress and uncertainty that can be especially hard on families.
Our focus in this respect of this unlimited liaibility is threefold:
· Support those families so that soldiers can deploy, have mission success and return home.
· Support the deployed soldiers by reducing hardship where possible/practical, ensuring connectivity with families including various support programs and providing support to deployment life.
Deployments are celebrated and justifiably proud moments but they have the potential to extract a great cost for the member and family. Some of the more serious costs can include a life-changing injury to the member and/or Post Traumatic Stress to either (or both) the member and the family.
How we Help!!!
The Regimental family actively tries to identify potential issues across the community so none have to suffer/struggle alone, in silence. We can’t control everything that happens in the world but it’s important to know that the Guild is a support resource when things spin beyond our control. With your help and donations, the Guild stands ready to help Regimental family members when there are gaps between need and capability by offering options for getting the support and assistance they need. Some of our key activities include:
· Supporting Life changes for the member/family created by injury (like disability renovations).
· Connecting medical support and professional referrals for those in need due to operations, including mental well-being.
· Supporting the road to full recovery due to injury.
Part of our program is to also connect, and as appropriate support specific initiatives the provide QOL support to the Regimental family. This is a key part of being prepared to help when and if the time comes. Some of the items the Guild undertakes:
· Supporting businesses/organizations that exist to help Regiment Family members in need (like dealing with PSTD) or meet Guild needs.
· Helping families in need that might include emergency funding, supporting major lifestyle change requirements and/or training.
– Properly supporting our members at the end of their career is also key. Family members have given so much and the least we can do is support their transition and recognize their achievements! If you, or someone you know in the Regimental Family is retiring/releasing, please fill out this form and send it to us!·
· Holding Regimental Family QOL-enhancing events as a chance to connect and communicate.
We all need help during times of crisis to varying degrees, especially those circumstances created by being in the military profession. The Guild quietly works in the background to ensure people know that help is available, and Guild resources are available to help bridge any gap in support. During a family crisis, the Guild will work closely with them to discreetly get/refer/provide the needed support. You can do your part by donating to the Guild to support this worthwhile calling and/or becoming an active support member of the Regimental family