UPDATE #1 – Reunion to Celebrate the 50th birthday of the Association!

The RCD Association is now ready for you to register for the RCD Association Reunion 2024 (RV2024) in Kingston on the weekend of 14-16 June 2024!

The Kingston Chapter is working hard with the Association and the Guild to ensure this will be an amazing weekend of enjoyment. We are trying to keep the costs down in innovative ways; however, as you know, costs have increased for everything. The committee has met to discuss the plans for the weekend, including all costs (room rentals, bartenders, decorations, food, service, music … and the list goes on). The Association has let us know what its expectations are, and we are ready to deliver!

As this reunion will be the celebration of the Association’s 50th Anniversary, we want it to be a high quality event that you will truly enjoy! We call upon all Dragoons to get the word out nationally – don’t assume that your favourite Dragoon will see this message, we are looking for you to pass it on. To this end, we ask that you call and confirm that all of your old and new friends have seen this so that they can register for the Reunion. We would like to fill every possible seat in the Cartier Ballroom, so our target is 320-350 attendees!

We have asked Retired General Rick Hillier to say a few words as our Patron of the RCD Assn, and Retired General Walter Natynczyk to say a few words as our Colonel Commandant of the RCAC. As well, Retired Major-General Dean Milner will be on hand as the Colonel of the Regiment.

Per the attached Registration Form, you can submit your registration to Tom Newton by E-Mail or by mail. You can then send your registration fee via etransfer to Tom Newton. If that is not your preferred option, you can also pay by sending a cheque to Tom (made payable to ‘Kingston Chapter, RCD Association’). I ask that you commit sooner rather than later, as this will help us with the planning process!

We are now into 2024 and the Reunion is closer than you think! Hotels in Kingston are booked solid very early, so the hotel can only hold the rooms at the lower rate until 15 May. Please book as soon as you can!  To book your hotel reservations please call 613-546-3661 extn. 0 for Quality Inn & Conference Centre or 343-477-0280 extn. 0 for Comfort Suites. Callers must identify themselves as being with The Royal Canadian Dragoon Association, and you must call prior to 15 May 2024 to qualify for your special rate. Please see these links to the hotel websites: and

If you are out there and had a great experience with the Regiment and you miss it as we do, we are looking forward to gathering with you so ask that you consider attening. If you feel that magnetic call to the Regiment even though you are far away and potentially not in regular contact, you are not alone. We want this to be the topic conversation for all Dragoons to have regardless of age and time served. Do you have to be a member of the Association – probably not, but we hope you will consider joining prior to, or during, the weekend!

50 years of the Association is a major milestone so it’s time to gather once again. We need you to commit to register and book your hotel room. This is important!

DRAGOONS, It’s not Vehs and Equipment but a Spirit Deep Inside

Denis Levesque

Kingston Chapter Chair