UPDATE #3 – Rendezvous 2024 in Kingston, 14-15 June

This Update #3 is provided by the ognaizing committee for RV2024.

Of Note: The Association is providing funds to help offset individual costs.  Your Guild is also proud to be reducing costs to the family members by offsetting costs for the Meet&Greet and other activities as well as sponsoring a contingent from the Regiment (including Scarlets and the Kitshop) to make it possible for more participation, fitting this key milestone.

Also find attached the latest supporting documents, inlcuding all your friends who have already signed up – its not too late for you!!


RV 24 Attendance_30 Apr 24

RV 24 Schedule of Events 3 May 24

RV 24 Summary of Attractions


Good Morning Dragoons

The time has come to register for the RCD Association Reunion. It’s later than you think. We have less than six weeks left and we have lots of room. We have less than 12 available rooms at the special given rate. So register now! We have included 5 Attachments, to provide you with lots of information.

The Kingston Chapter has done much work to bring the 50th Anniversary Reunion. We have many volunteers working to ensure this weekend is full of activities and fun for all. The major entertainment will be your participation and personalities.

We have been asked many times to provide a list of participants and dress for the dinner. We have 140 Participants as of 1 May and an attachment with names have been provided. The Dress will be Business Casual so no requirement to purchase special attire. We want people to be comfortable and enjoy your time to the fullest.

Please understand. This is like an O Group. The information can and is being provided for every Dragoon, however unless the Leader distributes said information, the link is broken. Why do I say that? I would like to be rest assured that every Dragoon knows and has had the opportunity to attend this function. Word of mouth is the last ditch effort, but it an be just as effective. Alas some will be left out.

Denis Levesque, Kingston Chapter Chair, 613-484-9234